Can You Get VA Disability Benefits for your Feet?
If you’re experiencing foot pain, rashes, limited movement, difficulty walking, or other foot-related conditions, you may be wondering about the support available to you through U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability benefits.
You’re not alone. Many veterans face similar challenges. These issues often arise from service due to non-supportive foot gear (or combat boots), service in wet or marshy climates, exercise or accidents while in service.
Vets National is here to help. Among the claims with which we assist veterans are those for flat feet (or pes planus) and ongoing foot pain.
Service-connection for your feet
In order for the VA to grant compensation for your foot condition, you will have to show three things: (1) that you have a current foot condition, (2) that an injury or event happened in service, and (3) that your current condition is connected to that in-service injury or event.
Thus, the first thing to consider is whether you have a foot condition. There are many types of foot conditions, including skin and joint injuries. The VA also specifically lists the following foot injuries as possible service-connected conditions: plantar fasciitis; flatfoot, acquired; weak foot; claw foot (pes cavus); metatarsalgia, anterior (Morton’s disease); hallux valgus; hallux rigidus; hammer toe; and tarsal or metatarsal bones. In many cases, you do not have to have a diagnosed foot condition to be eligible for benefits, but you do need to have symptoms that cause functional impairment.
The next thing you’ll need to prove to the VA is how your current condition is related to your military service. To successfully establish a VA disability claim for your foot condition, you’ll need to provide evidence linking your condition to military service. Such evidence might include medical records, service treatment records, and/or statements from your healthcare provider, friends, fellow servicemembers, and family. Consider when your symptoms began and whether they have continued since service. Also consider whether your foot condition is secondary—or related—to another service-connected condition.
Once the VA grants service-connection for your foot condition, it will rate the severity of the condition based on the VA’s Rating Schedule.
VA disability for flat feet
Flat feet, or fallen arches, are common among veterans. Those with this condition have flattened arches, meaning their feet are entirely in contact with the floor when they stand. This can lead to discomfort, pain, and functional limitations.
The VA recognizes flat feet as a condition that can cause significant discomfort and mobility issues. If you have flat feet from military service, you may be eligible for a VA disability rating—a percentage reflecting how much your flat feet affect your daily life and ability to work. This rating is based on whether the flat feet symptoms are (1) mild, equating to a 0% (or noncompensable) rating, or pronounced, equating to, at most, a 50% rating; and (2) bilateral or unilateral.
VA disability for foot pain
Foot pain is a broad term referencing any discomfort in your feet. It has a variety of causes, including injuries, overuse, and flat feet. You may be eligible for VA benefits for foot pain that arose from service if the condition causes functional limitations, such as an antalgic gait or inability to walk without assistance, etc. If the foot pain causes limitation of motion, the VA will rate the severity of your condition based on limitation of flexion and extension. If you experience flare-ups with your feet, be sure to let the VA know that.
The claim process for disability foot pain
If your current foot condition is related to an event or injury in service, you may want to file for VA disability benefits. You can file for these benefits by mail, in person, by fax, or with a trained professional.
Seeking assistance
Filing a claim can be complex, and it’s important to get it right. Vets National, with our experience in veteran advocacy, can guide you through this process. We understand the intricacies of VA claims, denials, and appeals and can help ensure your application is thorough and accurate.
Let Vets National help
Don’t let the complexity of VA claims discourage you. At Vets National, we specialize in helping veterans like you navigate the VA disability claim process. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you get the benefits you deserve for service-related foot conditions.
Connect with us, at 877-777-4021, and let’s work together toward a more comfortable and supported future.