GAO Fraud Reporting Systems
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) works to ensure that federal funds and tax dollars are not being wasted on fraudulent or illegal activity. This includes funds that are being spent to finance medical care at the VA, funds used to provide benefits to veterans, and the VA’s Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small business program.
Tax dollars which are being lost to fraud and misuse hurt all veterans with legitimate issues. If you are aware of fraud or misused federal funds, this should be reported to the GAO.
The GAO runs several services which can be used to report and prevent fraud. First, the GAO’s FraudNet service offers an automated means of reporting allegations of fraudulent activity. A form can be filled out online, which is then reviewed and referred to the Inspector General for investigation. If you do not wish to use the FraudNet system, you can also send an email to
How Can I Report Fraud to the GAO?
The GAO’s most well-known fraud reporting system is its Fraud Reporting Hotline, an automated system available 24 hours per day at 1-800-424-5454. If you would like to submit your report in writing instead, you may fax it to the GAO at (202) 512-3086, or send it via U.S. Mail to:
GAO FraudNet
441 G Street, NW
Mail Stop 4T21
Washington, DC 20548
When you are making a report, be sure to provide as much detail as possible. You do not need to include your own name or contact information.
Help make sure that your tax dollars are used responsibly. Report fraud to the GAO as soon as possible.