Over time, many holidays meant to honor a particular group of people end up becoming a celebration of three-day weekends and family barbecues, rather than a day of remembrance. In contrast, Veterans Day has remained true to its origins, and exists as a day where the country remembers the sacrifices of its veterans.
As we thank our veterans for their service, Vets National Advocates also looks back on the history of Veterans Day, and how it developed into the observance it is today.
Origins of Veterans Day
Veterans Day originally began as Armistice Day, first celebrated on November 11, 1919 to commemorate the first anniversary of the end of World War I.
Armistice Day became a national holiday after a congressional resolution in 1926, marking November 11th as a national day of remembrance.
In 1954, almost a decade after the end of World War II, President Eisenhower changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day in order to honor veterans of all wars. At one point, Veterans Day was changed to the fourth Monday in October, similar to the way holidays like Thanksgiving or Memorial Day are observed. Because of the historical significance of the November 11th date, however, Veterans Day was returned to November 11th in 1975.
Memorial Day, another day honoring servicemembers, occurs on the fourth Monday in May. Memorial Day specifically honors those servicemembers who died in battle or died from wounds related to their service, whereas Veterans Day honors all American veterans, living or dead. In contrast to Memorial Day, Veterans Day focuses more on the sacrifices living veterans made for the United States.
Veterans Day Today
Veterans Day coincides with many other observances all over the world. New Zealand, France, Belgium and Serbia celebrate Armistice Day on November 11, while the Commonwealth of Nations (53 countries formerly or currently under British rule) celebrates Remembrance Day. These observances also mark the end of World War I, and serve to honor the past and present members of these countries armed forces.
Today, there are approximately 23 million living veterans from all wars in the United States. One-third of living veterans served during the Vietnam War era, and 9.2 million veterans are currently over the age of 65.
Veterans Day is observed as a national holiday and day of remembrance. Many schools and nearly all government offices are closed on Veterans Day, as the nation takes time to honor our vets. To find a list of Veterans Day observances near you, check your local newspaper.
From all of us at Vets National Advocates, we extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the service and sacrifice of all of our nations veterans.