Veterans Transition Center of Monterey County will be awarded a $25,000 Wells Fargo grant Wednesday, to help homeless veterans find jobs, according to spokesperson Margie McCurry. The check will be presented at 2 p.m. at Martinez Hall on Fort Ord.
Veterans have fought many battles, said VTC executive director Terry Bare. Finding a job shouldn’t be one of them. Working with our community partners, this grant will help us increase employment placement for our veterans, as well as help them with resume writing and job retention.
The grant will allow VTC to expand its new VET+PREP office in Martinez Hall on the former Fort Ord, increasing job assistance to homeless veterans and veterans at risk of being homeless.
The $25,000 donation is part of the Wells Fargo Foundations Military Grant Program that helps organizations provide workforce development and/or basic needs services for military veterans.
Wells Fargo is proud to partner with VTC to work together to meet the needs of our veterans, said Joe Mathai, area president of Wells Fargo in Monterey County. The development of our small businesses is critical to our regions economic growth and returning veterans should have the resources available to them to succeed in their ventures.