Whatever anyones philosophical affinity for U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworths particular positions, there are human moments that make politics seem trivial.
Motherhood trumps everything.
Tammy Duckworth, the 8th District Democrat from Hoffman Estates, is going to be a mom, which is producing beams of smiles on her face these days.
It will be a struggle because, at age 46, she falls into the high risk category even if there had been no other stresses in her life besides pregnancy.
Because she is a helicopter pilot combat veteran of the war in Iraq and a double amputee, she has been bathed in the sort of intense stress that few outside the military have ever experienced.
She says all signs are good, and she is six months along the path to delivering a daughter.
How combat changes and affects women is new a field of study. Important insights remain unknown.
Current studies suggest women veterans are suffering more than men when it comes to family stress and emotional health. Fifty-six percent of female service members say their service causes relationship problems at homecoming. Only 44 percent of male veterans report that effect.
Female veterans, including Duckworth, have criticized the Department of Veterans Affairs for its passive response to the unique burdens placed on female soldiers. Combat roles intensify the anguish for everyone and American women are experiencing the direct effects of war in ways their predecessors never did.
More than 170,000 female soldiers have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 20 times the number who served in Vietnam (7,500) and more than four times the number deployed during the Gulf War (41,000).
War leaves deep wounds in all veterans.
But as Duckworth has amply demonstrated, she is vibrant, strong and resilient. She has survived and triumphed over war and politics.
If anyone deserves the peace and love of motherhood, Tammy Duckworth has earned it most.