Posted: Saturday, September 20, 2014 12:33 pm | Updated: 7:07 pm, Sat Sep 20, 2014.
Neal White Editor
After a 20-year career in the military as a Navy pilot, Jake Ellzey has a new mission.
As an appointed, non-paid Commissioner of the Texas Veterans Commission, the Midlothian resident is trying to reach as many military veterans living in Texas as he can to inform them about the state agency created to help them receive the benefits and services that available to them for their sacrifice and service.
There are 1.7 million veterans living in Texas and a lot of them have never heard of the TVC (Texas Veterans Commission), Ellzey said. It is a state agency staffed by 380 dedicated employees to help U.S. military veterans navigate through the red tape and receive the benefits and services they are entitled to for their service.
If a veteran in Texas has any problems whatsoever, the TVC is here to help. They are advocates working on the veterans behalf, he said, noting that most veterans dont realize they are owed a debt by their country, regardless of how long they served or where they carried out their service.
Navigating through the Department of Veterans Affairs can be a daunting process. I graduated from the Naval Academy and when I retired I sat through two days of out-processing. I know for me, my head was swimming by the time they shook my hand and wished me well. I didnt even know all of the benefits I was eligible for until Gov. Rick Perry asked me to serve as a commission for the TVC and I began to work with the great people in this agency, he added. Too many of our veterans dont know what benefits they are eligible for. If they sacrificed for their country, they shouldnt have to sacrifice more.
While the TVC doesnt have the resources to advertise, it mostly relies on word of mouth and through the outreach provided by its commissioners to help inform veterans they have a resource to help navigate the VA benefits process.
In addition to offices located throughout the state (including Dallas and Fort Worth), the agency operates a website at providing a full list of contact information and resources.
Our counselors can provide assistance on any number of services, Ellzey said. From helping with health care benefits to job help to help with getting a loan to start a business even if its just to get something in your military record cleared up thats what the folks at the TVC do, Ellzey said. They are there to help navigate that process.
Ellzey said he is dedicated to serving veterans, especially those who dont realize their government owes them for their selfless service.
Everyone who served made a sacrifice, he said, adding the VA doesnt make it easy for a veteran to find out what they are eligible for and even what programs are available be it educational benefits, home loans or even loans to start a business. Thats where the TVC comes in.
For more information on the TVC, visit the website at or contact Commissioner Jake Ellzey at 512-463-6564.
Neal White is the Editor and General Manager of Waxahachie Newspapers Inc. Contact Neal at or 469-517-1470. Follow Neal on Facebook at Neal White Waxahachie Newspapers Inc., or on Twitter at wni_nwhite.