Today, Governor Dave Heineman provided an update on the Nebraska Veterans Registry and encouraged recognition of military service.
The Registry was created in 2013 by the Nebraska Legislature to place the word veteran on drivers licenses and state issued identification cards. The Registry was expanded in 2014 to allow the issuance of Military Honor License Plates starting in 2016.
Heineman was joined by Rhonda Lahm, Director of the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles and John Hilgert, Director of the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs.
Im proud Nebraska continues to find unique ways to recognize our veterans. Through this collaboration between DMV and Veterans Affairs, we are proud to offer this recognition both through the veteran drivers license and the Military Honor Plates, said Governor Heineman.
The Governor had previously presented drivers licenses to four Nebraska veterans in July 2014 when the new program launched. Since that time, the registry has grown to over 12,000 veterans with 2,696 having received their licenses or identification cards from DMV, including Governor Heineman himself.
The Nebraska DMV is proud to support our veterans. The success of this program allows greater recognition of service members and veterans, said Director Lahm.
Nebraska chose to house the Registry within NDVA allowing the veteran information not only to be used by the DMV but also for veteran outreach or to apply for veteran benefits. Had the Registry been administered by the DMV, other uses beyond the DMV would not be allowed.
I want to thank the Nebraska Legislature and Governor Heineman for their continued support of our veterans. The creation of the Registry has been a tremendous opportunity to connect with our veterans and we look forward to future opportunities that the Registry will provide, said Director Hilgert.
Veterans desiring to enroll in the Registry may contact NDVA on-line, in person or via email. The website is , phone number 402-471-2458, and email:
Once in the Registry, veterans can request the veteran indicator on their operators license or state issued identification card at the time of renewal with no additional fee. The statutorily mandated fee for a replacement license will be required for persons desiring to add the designation at other times. To renew a drivers license, visit the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles website at .