The Glenn County Veterans Services Department has a new fight on its hands. The local office has teamed up with the Chico Veterans Resource Center to combat homelessness of veterans living in the area.
“We are dedicated to helping veterans in need,” said David Williams, VRC site director. “It’s good to be able to offer those same services to veterans in Glenn County.”
Williams plans to bring his services to the Glenn County veterans from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Veterans Services office in Willows, where he or another trained volunteer will help veterans learn about benefits that may be available to them and their families.
Williams said the VRC serves veterans with limited financial means who are motivated and committed to creating successful lives.
“Our mission is to provide assistance to those who may face obstacles related to housing,” Williams said. “It could be something as simple as helping with a PG&E bill or helping with a deposit to relocate or find suitable housing.”
Cindy Holley, Glenn County assistant veterans services officer, said veterans homelessness is something that is preventable given the help available for those coming out of the armed services. “This kind of help is really needed here,” Holley said. “We know there are veterans out there that are homeless already or are having a hard time finding a suitable place to live. There are also veterans on the verge of homelessness.”
The Veterans Resource Center provides grants for housing that need not be repaid, Williams said, but veterans must be honorably discharged from military service and want to make changes that will improve their lives and create stronger families and build better communities.
Williams said the VRC has the ability to quickly get someone who is homeless or on the verge of homelessness into a suitable living arrangement, but that veteran must be able to show he or she can afford to stay there.
“We are going to do our best to create a better living arrangement for our veterans,” Williams said. “But they are going to have to show they can maintain it.”
The VRC has also extended its fundraising campaign to Glenn County to support their efforts to help veterans, and to bring awareness of veterans homelessness to the forefront. The organization is in the process of creating a T-shirt with an exclusive logo designed as a symbol of hope for homeless veterans.
Each shirt will carry the names of the individuals or businesses who make an initial donation to VRC for the purchase of the T-shirts.
“By donating, you and your business will be advertised and identified as a supporter of the homelessness campaign,” Williams said.
After the T-shirts are purchased, members of the public can then buy the shirts, also for a donation to the organization, he said.
For more information about the Homeless Veterans’ Campaign, contact Williams at the Chico Resource Center by calling 809-2831 or stop by the Glenn County Veterans Services office at 525 W. Sycamore Street, Suite A5 on Feb. 12.