A lack of staffing at an outreach program operated by the Montana Veterans Affairs Division has prompted the Missoula office to scale back its rural outreach efforts until the issue is resolved.
Roxanne Blanche, the regional services officer for the Montana VAs Missoula office, said she is now the only employee available to meet veterans across a large western swath of the state.
What were doing is asking vets to give us a call and file for medical benefits, said Blanche. Since I dont have the staffing, those vets in outlying areas, if they live too far away, will have to schedule a phone appointment. The number to call is 542-2501.
Blanche said the Montana VA outreach program in Missoula, the states second-largest city, typically has three service officers on staff.
However, one left for another job while the third is out on family medical leave. The office typically sees up to 30 vets in the office each day and handles dozens of phone calls from other areas.
Staffers also make service rounds to surrounding communities, including Polson, Ronan, Thompson Falls, Superior and Seeley Lake, among others. But with Blanche now the only service manager, shes asking vets to phone the office.
Were advertising the position, but since its a state job, the hiring process is very slow, Blanche said. We were able to do our outreach for September, but were giving vets notice about October. Im hoping to have a position filled by the end of the year.
The outreach program falls under the Montana Department of Military Affairs and its Veterans Affairs Division. Blanche said the office advocates for veterans and helps them obtain their military benefits.
Reporter Martin Kidston can be reached at 523-5260, or at martin.kidston@missoulian.com.