The Armys Observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month remains important to our communities as we recognize the countless contributions Americans with disabilities make to our Army on a daily basis. To this end, it is our responsibility to acknowledge and honor these individuals by continuing to implement effective policies and practices that increase their employment opportunities.
We express our deepest gratitude toward Americans with disabilities. From disabled veterans serving in our civilian workforce to Soldiers returning home as Wounded Warriors, these courageous men and women have overcome physical and emotional difficulties with strength and resiliency. Americans with disabilities successfully serve in todays Army in a spectrum of occupations and provide a talent pool with the depth of experience needed for sustaining an effective fighting force. Our Army is much stronger today because we include and value them as a part of our diverse workforce.
This month, join us in giving special recognition for the past and present contributions that Americans with disabilities have made and continue to make to the building of our great nation and Army. We encourage our entire Army Family to publically honor their service and sacrifices; they have helped to make our Army what it is today a place where people from all walks of life stand proudly together in service to our nation. Army Strong.
Sgt. Maj. of the Army, Raymond F. Chandler III
Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, U.S. Army Chief of Staff
John M. McHugh, Secretary of the Army