HUNTSVILLE, AL (WAFF) – If you know a veteran who’s homeless or could use some help, there’s an event they can attend this weekend.
It’s called Operation Stand down and it’s a three-day event for homeless veterans.
As part of the ninth stand down event in Huntsville, veterans will spend three days in one spot.
They’ll get food, hot showers, entertainment, education on different topics and free hair cuts and medical care.
It’s this Friday through Sunday at True Light Church of God in Christ on Pulaski Pike.
“The intent isn’t just to do a three day event, great see you next year, it’s to be able to help break the cycle of homelessness with them,” said Operation stand down volunteer Keith Poole.
If you’d like to help, you can volunteer to help veterans fill out paperwork or you can donate food and clothing.
You can get more information on their website.