DUBUQUE, Ia. Before he deployed to Afghanistan with the U.S. Marines several years ago, Christopher Billmyer bought a German shepherd rescue dog in Los Angeles that had been hit by a car.
Ill take care of him, he told the Dubuque Telegraph Herald. Ive always liked their looks and demeanor. Theyre a one-man dog, devoted and loyal.
Billmyers life took an unexpected turn on Oct. 23, 2010, when he lost both legs when he was injured by an improvised explosive device in the southern Afghanistan province of Helmand.
After his discharge, Billmyer thought about getting another dog.
I was injured and people were talking, he said, explaining that idea began during recuperation and rehabilitation at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
He selected a German shepherd, obtained from Americans VetDogs. For nearly two years, Odin has been his close companion.
Billmyer submitted his paperwork in April 2011.
It was like an adoption, said Jim Billmyer, Christophers dad. They take a dog, tailor it for you. I didnt think it was that intensive.
Neither did Christopher. He recalled meeting Odin for the first time in New York City for training.
He absolutely hated me, Billmyer said. He barked, whined. Youd think I was strangling him. The trainer nodded, This is how its going to be pretty tough.
Billmyer and Odin trained from early in the morning to late in the afternoon. It paid off. Today, the two are inseparable. Odin accompanies Billmyer to classes at Northeast Iowa Community College in Peosta and other places.
Hes like my best friend, Billmyersaid. He helps me get outside and do things. I would say in my healing process, if I didnt have him, I would be back, mentally recovering.
Billmyer suffers from mild anxiety.
You go out in public, sometimes in crowded spaces, people are staring at you, he said. You lose your legs, people stare at you. He takes care of me.
His father and his mother, Cheryl, agree that Odin, age 4, is a perfect fit.
I dont think a service dog is for everyone, because if you cant take care of them properly, or if its going to be hard for you to manage it, dont, Christopher Billmyer said. I have to take care of him, train him; no one else does. Its a commitment, absolutely.
He emphasizes that Odin could be taken away if hes not cared for. That wont happen.
Hes a great dog; a good dog, Christopher said. Weve built such a rapport, we can read each others body language.
The family has another dog, Deuce, who enjoys a playful relationship with Odin. However, he doesnt go to school.
When Christopher graduates from college, Odin should go up on stage, too, because hes going to have a lot of hours of teaching time, Jim Billmyer said.
Service dogs are relatively rare in Dubuque. Katrina Wilberding, founding director of Proudly Accessible Dubuque, has lived with multiple sclerosis for 25 years. Her assistance dog, Leon, a black Labrador retriever, has been with her for 10 years.
Leon is a familiar figure around town, in schools and as an educator about service dogs. Founded in 2007, one of Proudly Accessible Dubuques projects was to create a brochure about service dogs for business owners.
People would come in a business and say they had a service dog, Wilberding said. The business owner said they didnt act like a service dog and they werent.
Wilberding obtained Leon from the Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Paws With A Cause, a nonprofit organization that trains assistance dogs for people with disabilities.
I cant go any place without him, she said. Its like going without glasses.
Wilberding noted, she was much more independent 10 years ago. Today, Leon is the canine equivalent of an insurance policy.
Leon opens doors for Wilberding, picks up everything she drops, takes her shoes off, grabs her cellphone.
Its an extra reassurance to have someone around to help me, she said. He does so many things, I have to think of them all.
Greg Levick, who works for the Guide Dog Foundation, the parent organization of VetDogs, has known Odin since he was a puppy. His two brothers were trained as guide dogs.
It was good to see him again, said Levick, one of seven Foundation field representatives, praising service dogs. I think for most every veteran, it helps turn their lives around. A lot of them have PTSD and hesitate to go out in public. Ive seen veterans who havent been in a mall in eight years and all of a sudden theyre there.
The dogs make a tremendous impact on them. Christopher has exactly the kind of dog he wants. With having a dog comes a lot of responsibility, but the benefits far outweigh anything.
During the past decade, Wilberding believes knowledge of service dogs has increased substantially.
Occasionally someone will ask me if Leons a seeing eye dog, she said. They understand the concept of dogs helping people but not the details. People should always ignore a service dog of any kind and just talk to the owner.
Before I had Leon, people would stare at my wheelchair or just ignore me, afraid theyd say something wrong. With the dog, curiosity gets the best of them, and they always want to chat.
Wilberding does her best to educate as does Billmyer.
Its OK to ask a person if they need help, or ask what the dog was trained to do, she said. Its not OK to say, Whats your disability or why do you have a service dog?