A new study confirms recent veterans coming home from war are at higher risk for committing suicide than ever before.
A detailed study will be published next month in the Annals of Epidemiology.
The study tracks the posts-service suicide risk of recent wartime veterans.
It states the suicide risk is highest during a vets first three years out of the military.
Chris Wolf, Director of the Western Nebraska Community College Military and Veterans Affairs Office says this is often the time when veterans return to school.
“Its very scary, but I know its very real. Ive seen some of the veterans that have come back that are really dealing with some demons and I just hope they can get in and get help. Its difficult for them to go in and do that, and those are the hardest ones to get in, but we sure want to be able to offer them every assistance that we can to prevent them from being in that category.”
Wolf says WNCCs Military and Veterans Affairs Office offers a number of referral and support services for veterans that need assistance both in and out of school.
“We offer referral services to our veterans for help. That’s one thing we try to look at when they first come in to visit with us, is to see if they’re set up with the local VA or the VA hospitals.”
Wolf says since the Veterans Upward Bound Program was started in 1999, she’s probably helped close to a thousand vets navigate their post-service careers. She says establishing positive relationships with the veterans is key.
“We just try to become friends with them and let them know we are a safe place to come in if they’re having issues.”
More information can be found by visiting https://www.wncc.edu/militaryveterans or calling (308) 635-6120.