The hearing, entitled Rhetoric vs. Reality: Investigating the Continued Failures of the Philadelphia VA Regional Office, focused on a number of concerns with the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA).
The main function of the VBA, which is a section of the Department of Veterans Affairs, is to administer the VAs financial programs that provide assistance to military veterans, their dependents and survivors. One of the VBAs primary responsibilities is to process each veteran claim.
Rep. Jon Runyan (R.J.), the chairman of the subcommittee, highlighted the importance of getting to the bottom of issues within the VBA.
It is imperative that our veterans have their claims processed correctly and in a timely and efficient manner they deserve nothing less, Runyan said. These men and women have sacrificed so much to protect this country and our freedoms. We must do everything we can to ensure that the Philadelphia Regional Offices management is doing its job efficiently and correctly.
The hearing also covered issues that were raised during recent congressional hearings and reports issued by the VA Office of Inspector General. Issues related to management and leadership, claims processing and employee morale were covered.