TORRINGTON >> Nicholas Samal, 94, a World War II veteran from Torrington, was presented with replacement medals by Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty at a ceremony at the Torrington Health & Rehabilitation Center, a nursing home at 225 Wyoming Ave., where Samal is a resident.
Esty, D-5, awarded Samal with his 12 medals, including the Bronze Star Medal and the Victory Medal, for his substantial military service. About 75 friends, family, and veteran residents of the nursing home attended the ceremony.
Its been 30 years and hes finally getting the medals back, said Samals nephew Serge, 77, of Litchfield, a retired State Trooper, prior to the ceremony. Now hes going to be wearing 10 pounds of medals.
Samals niece Anna Orban of Torrington said, The veterans are falling fast and furious, so its great to see him honored.
Orbans husband, John, added, Its a fantastic celebration of someone who has made it through life and accomplished so much. The world might have been a different place had he and others not fought. We may not be standing here if it wasnt for him.
Samal served in the U.S. Armys 79th, under the famed General George Smith Patton, Jr. Under Patton, Samal participated in 1944s landing at Normandy, the largest seaborne invasion in history that led to the liberation of France from Nazi Germany control. Samal also participated in the Rhineland offense as a machine gun operator.
Three decades ago, Samal misplaced the medals and a military coat when he inadvertently donated the items to a local charity. By the time Samal realized his mistake, the items were long gone. Last year, when Samal was being interviewed for a history project, the missing medals came to the publics attention. In September 2014, Connecticut American Veterans group commander Frank Dlugokinski stepped in and worked with Estys office to replace the honors from the Veterans Administration. Esty had penned legislation, the Proper Replacement of Medals & Performance Tracking Act (PROMPT Act), an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that ensured timely replacement of veterans military decorations.
During the ceremony, emcee Wayne Rioux remarked on Samals jocular nature, joking, Nicholas was a heavy machine gunrunner. But as you can see from his stature, he isnt heavy at all. said Rioux, who volunteers with the nursing homes veteran population.
Even at 94, Nick still likes to joke around and have fun, he said. Just being around him brightens your day. Nick is always full of light.
The Torrington Veterans Association Color Guard opened the ceremony and the Pledge of Alliance was led by Madeline Hiers, 16, a tech sergeant with Torringtons Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC).
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 296 chaplain David McGee commented, Nick left home and security to travel many miles to fight on the battlefield. He has given us his very best. We have our freedom because of men and women like Nick who pay the price for freedom.
Torrington Mayor Elinor Carbone presented Samal was an official city pin and commented to the audience, It is truly an honor to see Samal being presented with the medals.
No proclamation can articulate our full appreciation of his service and our heartfelt gratitude in sharing his stories with us.
Esty described Samal as an extraordinary ordinary American. Esty remarked, He answered the call to keep American safe. We are so lucky to have him with us. He participated in three major battles in the war. Any one battle would have been enough for most people, but he was in three. Samal participated in the landing at Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge, and the Rhineland offensive. Esty added, Nick kept his men safe and accomplished his goal of service.
Esty presented Samal with the Bronze Star, the fifth-highest combat decoration and the 10th-highest military award for acts of heroism in a combat zone. Also replaced was Samals Cross of Lorraine medal, which the 79th Infantry Division used as its insignia during its first attack in the Lorraine region of France. The World War II Victory Medal was given as well.
Samal, who is confined to a wheelchair, addressed the audience prompted by questions by Esty. Im still here! Samal joked as a way of opening remarks.
Samal pointed out that many of the machine guns he used in the war were manufactured in Torrington.
Never did one of them jam, he said.
Samal related a story as a machine-gun operator during a battle in France, when he was in the habit of taking down German soldiers and planes. In the middle of battle, Samal approached his superior officer and said, Do you know that Messerschmitt (a German fighter plane) that was giving you trouble? Well, its not going to bother you anymore because I just shot it down!
As a 21-year-old in a regiment of 17- and18-year-old men, Samal frequently gave advice.
Dont stand up or youre going to get picked out! was tops among the wisdom he passed on.
Samal worked as a tool-and-die maker in Hartford following the war and said some of his companys creations ended up on historic moon landings. Samal said most of his war buddies are gone, noting, Its sad.
Esty countered with an optimistic viewpoint that Samals stories and laughter remain.
Dlugokinski presented Samal with a certificate. We are proud for you to be here and get your medals, he said, adding in a humorous vein in keeping with Samals sense of humor: Whats next? Going to Disney World?
Refreshments were served after the ceremony.
Dlugokinski said prior to the ceremony, I am very happy for Nicholas. Dlugokinski, 77, a U.S. Air Force veteran and a retired State Trooper, added, Its been a long time coming.