There are still hundreds of veterans in the east that need a home they can count on, despite a national report says that homelessness among veterans has declined considerably since 2010.
One homeless veteran from the east talked with WITN about how he was able to get back on his feet and how organizations are working every day to make sure not a single veteran is without a home.
Dale Smallwood says he served 15-years in the Army and retired from the military and after being diagnosed with colon cancer in 2008. H says he then lost his job in Virginia – and subsequently – he lost his home, too.
With nowhere to turn, he ended up at his parents home in Bertie County.
After living there and taking on odd jobs, Smallwood decided to move to Greenville where he stayed at a shelter, hoping for more stable employment.
Smallwood’s story is just one of nearly 58,000 homeless veterans in the nation, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The 3rd annual Pitt County Stand-Down is event dedicated to helping homeless veterans across the east, and why veteran Sheila Parson started the organization.
Parson says, “We’re taught to be proud people. So it’s not likely that I’m going to say I’m homeless to someone I’m not familiar with, but the census says that there’s about 246 homeless veterans in this area.”
With help from organizations like the NC Department of Commerce, Smallwood works part time during East Carolina University home football games.
He’ll tell you it isn’t much, but has helped him get the one thing he hasn’t had since battling colon cancer. “Somewhere to live and a roof over your head, you know, that’s a great feeling.”
Smallwood says he’s out there every day looking for more permanent work.