The medical centers rural health team will conduct a wellness health fair at the Three County Homeless Veterans and Community Stand Down, set to take place at the National Guard Armory, 4502 Fayetteville Road from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The rural health team consists of a nurse educator and health care specialists who can provide information on diabetes management, controlling hypertension and cholesterol levels, womens health care, mental health services and other specialized programs available to Veterans. An eligibility and enrollment specialist will be on-hand to discuss VA health benefits and accept Veterans enrollments on site.
Anyone who served in the U.S. military is invited to attend the event. Veterans should bring a copy of their DD Form 214 (discharge paperwork) and last years financial information to expedite enrollment in the system.
For information about the Three County Homeless Veterans and Community Stand Down, contact Karla Carter, K&L Veterans Homes and Services, 910-273-3819. For information about the Fayetteville VAMC Rural Health Team, contact Melvin Peterson, 910-286-1313.