OTEEN, N.C. — The medical center director for the Charles George VA Medical Center hosted a town hall meeting to allow veterans to voice their questions and concerns Wednesday night at the hospital.
Everybody is so great, that I cannot find anything to complain about, said one veteran.
You were here for me when I got here without judgment and every step Ive taken toward freedom, it has been matched two-fold by the people here at the VA, said Mark Sellers.
A year ago, he was a homeless veteran in Virginia.
A number of other veterans shared positive stories about the hospital as well or had questions that could be easily clarified by asking the panel specialized in benefits, primary care, health administration or mental health services.
It was a very positive evening for us, but again, our patient care is about getting it right for every veteran, every time, said medical center director, Cynthia Breyfogle.
About half a dozen veterans spoke during the town hall, the majority complimentary, but there were a couple who werent as complimentary toward the hospital.
While one veteran who did not provide her name said she appreciated her healthcare and was grateful for the hospital, she expressed problems she has had with the hospital.
I’ve been abused in this hospital. I’ve been hit, I’ve been threatened and I can do nothing about it, and I’m very frustrated, she said.
Breyfogle said she this was the first time she had heard of that complaint.
I had not heard of that particular concern, however my staff assured me they were familiar with her and her care so they have looked into the issues and I will personally look into that and get back to her as well, she said.